are you listening?

are you listening?

are you listening?


take a moment. breathe deeply in through your nose, and out through your mouth. again. and again. allow the quiet to permeate your mind. sit in the stillness. allow your soul to settle in to the space within the walls of your chest. in and out you breathe again. place your right hand on your womb, and your left on your heart. can you feel it? the life force beating an unending rhythm. stirrings inside of your womb. desire, or maybe you just feel pain? begin to listen. listen to the silence. and then listen to the small voice that speaks to you in the hush. the inner creatrix. let her whisper hidden words until they burst forth in glorious song from betwixt your lips. allow your higher self to come forward, to tell you what she needs. and then claim her, in all of her magnificent radiance.


why wait?