Quartz Free Forms


Clear Quartz Free Forms

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Clear Quartz Free Forms

Clear Quartz Free Forms

Master healer, amplifier, and channel of white light energy. It attunes you to your spiritual purpose and realigns the body, mind, and spirit towards clearer goals. Increases your focus and concentration by clearing impurities and psychic debris that is permeating the aura. Amplifies the thoughts you have programmed into it. Enhance peace and clarity. Place in the home to cleanse the energy of your space, and use in crystal grids when you want to amplify the frequency of other crystals.

Evil Eye Protection Bracelet
Rose Quartz Worry Stones
Rose Quartz Massage Wands
from $48.00
Sphalerite with Purple Fluorite and Sugar Druzy
Giant Rose Quartz Towers
from $48.00